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As a team, we collectively aspire to increase our knowledge and our skillset. Because of this, we have reached out to various professionals and organizations to learn and present ourselves in the best way possible, letting us aim to achieve and implement our team's goals and hopes.

Slideshow from a Mars Rover Team Member

Our team met with a member of the Mars rover team, Arno Justman, and learned new troubleshooting strategies. This is a slideshow he sent us of our collaboration.

Programming Lecture From our S&T Workshop

When we hosted our S&T workshop over the summer, we had a FIRST Alumnus, who is currently majoring in Computer Science at Columbia University, come in and talk about some basic coding principles. We hope he can teach you something!

Judging Lecture From our S&T Workshop

When we hosted our S&T workshop over the summer, we had a couple team members discuss judging and portfolio. Hopefully this can help your team on their FIRST journey!

Mechanical Lecture From our S&T Workshop

When we hosted our S&T workshop over the summer, we brought in a FIRST Alumnus with a lot of mechanical experience outside of FIRST . We hope you learn something from his experience!

 Budgeting  Lecture From our S&T Workshop

When we hosted our S&T workshop over the summer, we had a lady who runs a local nonprofit come in and discuss budgeting. Enjoy the video!

FTC Field Assembly Guide (PDF)

This is mostly for our team, but you can use it too!

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